Ein für Shopware 6 vorbereitet Systemmanagment.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

87 lines
1.5 KiB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. ### GENERAL
  3. shopware_version=""
  4. shopware6_httpdocs_subpath=""
  5. shopware6_local_user=""
  6. shopware6_local_email=""
  7. shopware6_local_firstname=""
  8. shopware6_local_lastname=""
  9. shopware6_install_name=""
  10. shopware6_install_email=""
  11. shopware6_install_locale=""
  12. shopware6_install_currency=""
  13. shopware6_install_storefront_name=""
  14. shopware6_install_storefront_url=""
  15. ### URL MAPPING
  16. shopware6_live_urls=()
  17. shopware6_stage_urls=()
  18. shopware6_local_urls=()
  20. shopware6_gdpr_tables=(
  21. acl_user_role
  22. cart
  23. customer
  24. customer_address
  25. customer_recovery
  26. customer_tag
  27. customer_wishlist
  28. customer_wishlist_product
  29. elasticsearch_index_task
  30. import_export_log
  31. integration
  32. integration_role
  33. log_entry
  34. message_queue_stats
  35. newsletter_recipient
  36. newsletter_recipient_tag
  37. order
  38. order_address
  39. order_customer
  40. order_delivery
  41. order_delivery_position
  42. order_line_item
  43. order_tag
  44. order_transaction
  45. product_export
  46. product_review
  47. promotion_persona_customer
  48. refresh_token
  49. sales_channel_api_context
  50. state_machine_history
  51. user
  52. user_access_key
  53. user_config
  54. user_recovery
  55. version
  56. version_commit
  57. version_commit_data
  58. klarna_payment_request_log
  59. payone_payment_card
  60. payone_payment_mandate
  61. payone_payment_redirect
  62. unzer_payment_payment_device
  63. unzer_payment_transfer_info
  64. enqeueue
  65. product_keyword_dictionary
  66. product_search_keyword
  67. )
  68. ### Media Files
  69. shopware6_shared_files=(
  70. "/files"
  71. "/public/media"
  72. "/public/thumbnails"
  73. )
  74. ### MAILER
  75. shopware6_local_mailer_url=""